Friday, July 2, 2010

This Yoga Journey

I started practicing yoga in 2001.  Kundalini yoga touched my heart since the beginning and I became a certified Kundalini yoga teacher in 2004.  I started giving yoga classes that same year at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) to the students of the Philosophy, Theater and Literature Department.  Then I continued my teaching experience in holistic centers such as Centro Holístico Latinoamericano and various yoga studios around the City.  As part of my continuing education, I began exploring other yoga styles, soon finding myself enrolled for two years in the Iyengar Teacher Training Course under the supervision of Herta Rogg, as well as taking classes with Dharmapriya at the Buddhist Center of Mexico City.  Then I took two years of training in Universal Yoga with my teacher Josefina Leone Estrada.

Aside from yoga as my spiritual path I studied Philosophy obtaining a Masters Degree at UNAM specializing myself in Indian Philosophy and Comparative Religious Studies.  This background allowed me to give the Philosophy of Yoga class at the Iyengar Teacher's Training Course held at Yoga del Sur, also under the supervision of Herta Rogg, where we studied deeply the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali.  In 2007 I had the opportunity to travel around India for 6 months, spending one of them at the Sivananda Ashram in Neyar Damm where I got the Sivananda Yoga Instructor Certification.  My experience in India made me realize how important devotion is to the understanding and experiencing of true yoga.

 During 2008 I gave yoga classes at the Waikiki Community Center, Yoga Hawaii and Open Space Yoga in Honolulu.   I am currently pursuing a PhD in Comparative Philosophy at the University of Hawaii and at the same time sharing the practice of kundalini yoga at the Leisure Center of that same University.  I also teach a weekly kundalini meditation class at Open Space Yoga Chinatown and guide every other Saturday the study group on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali at Silent Dance Center Kaimuki.

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